mi maestra de ingles

Friday, December 5, 2008

¿Costo actual?

$4,000 moneda nacional mexicano. Y si quieres, puede invitar 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, o 9 companeros participar en la clase contigo. $4,000/18 horas/mes y no importa si el grupo consiste de una persona, dos personas, tres personas, cuatro personas, cinco personas, seis personas, siete personas, ocho personas, nueve personas o diez personas...el precio seria igual.

Otra cosa: Si quieres clases lunes a viernes seria $5500 por mes (en vez de $4000) para 27 horas por mes (en vez de 18 horas/mes)
Mejoras tu ingles en dos semanas...garantizada
Queretaro Queretaro Mexico

Monday, November 24, 2008


Book Resources

  • The American Heritage Dictionary (Dell, 3rd Edition)
  • How to Teach English by Jeremy Harmer (Pearson-Longman)
  • Grammar for English Teachers by Martin Parrott (Cambridge University Press)
  • Chartbook: A Reference Grammar by Betty Schrampfer Azar (Prentice Hall Regents)
  • The New Oxford Picture Dictionary by E. C. Parnwell & illustrators (Oxford University Press)
  • Understanding and Using English Grammar by Betty Schrampfer Azar (Prentice Hall Regents)

Internet Resources includes

English Baby
The Flatmates
The Daily English Show
Words in the News
You Tube
Miro for Ubuntu (software)
Phrasal Verbs, Commonly Used
Pronunciation (Don't give up!)
Business English PodCast

Depending on the needs and interests of the client such things as
(1) Interview preparation, execution and follow-up
(2) Telephone conversations with American (US) associates

When Internet resources are used their URL or podcast title is included as appropriate.
Mejoras tu ingles en dos semanas...garantizada

Queretaro Queretaro Mexico

Regularizacion? Preparacion para un exam importante? Preparacion para una intrevista...en ingles? ...si se puede

Do you need an English tutor? If you are currently studying English in school...or need to pass a particularly important exam and have been given a "guia" book...yes, it is possible.

Necesitas ayuda regularizarte en ingles? Si estas estudiando ingles en tu escuela (prepa, techica, primaria, secundaria, universidad o otro) o si necesitas salir bastante bien en un examen importante especifico y ya tienes el guia del examen...pues, si es posible. Puedo ayudarte en eso.

El costo es $4,000/18 horas. Tienes derecho invitar 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, p 9 companeros al curso si te gusta.

Do you need to prepare for an interview that will be given in English? CLICK HERE for Interview Preparation. If you do not need or what 18 hours, the cost is $250/hour payable in advance. If you are accepted as a client, you will be given a series of written questions for your review. You will be asked to answer the questions and submit your answers for correction...PRIOR to the first mock interview. You can share your time for a total of no more than 10 people in your group. You are encouraged to record all mock interviews (digital camera, camcorder, etc) for later review and instruction.

Mejoras tu ingles en dos semanas...garantizada

Queretaro Queretaro Mexico

Class Organization and Activities

The course covers reading, writing, speaking and listening with an emphasis on oral communication (speaking and listening to authentic speech). The 90 minute class consists of 6 sections of, on average 15 minutes each. Homwork is optional.

Homework can be found at http://mimadeinhomework.blogspot.com/

SONG: Pre-teach vocabulary
Gap Fill (listening comprehension)
Sing along (vocabulary, pronunciation, relaxation)

CONVERSATION: topic, vocabulary and or structures pertaining to segment preceeding or following

GRAMMAR POINT: from Chartbook: A Reference Grammar by Betty Azar

BASIC VOCABULRY: from The Oxford Picture Dictionary by E C Parnwell

WRITING: including vocabulary and structures introduced


W/C CORRECTION AND INDIVIDUAL SELF-CORRECTION: the class errors are put on the board and the class, as a whole, corrects them. Ss receive their writing back and then correct their individual writings

READING: pre-teach vocabulary, identify type of writing, making predictions, reading for gist, scanning, and/or reading for detail

SPEAKING: Ss present individually and then are asked questions by peers.

VIDEO: comprehension questions, giving and asking for opinions, summarizing, discussion

ROLE PLAY: using video or audio as basis for role play

CLASS BLOG: making a post utilizing what you have learned recently to comment on (write about) any of our class themes: family, health, education, lifestyle, internet, finance/economy, politics, religion, work/employment/business, environment

BLOG SURFING: surfing blogs or video blogs and leaving a comment OR researching a specific area of interest and writing a short post in personal blog or on the class blog.

SKYPE: using skype to practice oral english

SPEAKING/PRONUNCIATION: pronunciation drill work and/reading aloud from written text

AUDIO: comprehension questions, giving and asking for opinions, summarizing, discussion

WRITTEN EXAM: vocabulary quiz (gap fill, matching) and grammar point quiz (free writing on theme utilizing given vocabulary-to-date)

ORAL EXAM: in person or by telephone, one on one chat with q & a from Ss.

MOCK INTERVIEWS: in person and/or by telephone. Prep with "typical interview questions."

YOUTUBE & COURSE ASSESSMENT: select you tube film to watch & comment on (online), post your review of the video and your review of the class (online, on class blog)

Mejoras tu ingles en dos semanas...garantizada

Queretaro Queretaro Mexico

Thursday, October 9, 2008

¿Cuanto tiempo?

1.5 horas / clase
3 clases / semana
4.5 horas / semana
18 horas / mes

...si, claro hay excepciones, por ejemplo:
ejemplo uno:
27 horas/mes,
7.5 horas/semana,
5 clases/semana,
1.5 horas/clase

ejemplo dos:
18 horas/mes
4.5 horas/semana
2 clases/semana
2.25 horas/clase

Mejoras tu ingles en dos semanas...garantizada
Queretaro Queretaro Mexico

¿Cual horario?

Hay todavia 3 horarios disponibles:

lunes miercoles viernes 9am a 10:30am (disponible)
lunes miercoles viernes 1pm a 2:30pm (disponible)
lunes miercoles viernes 3pm a 4:30pm (disponible)

Ya estoy ensenando antes de las 9 de la manana.
Ya estoy ensenando despues de las 4 y media de la tarde.
(updated 29 de enero 2009)
Mejoras tu ingles en dos semanas...garantizada

Queretaro Queretaro Mexico

¿...y si comparto el costo, cuanto por persona por hora?

10 personas ...
$4000/18/10 = $22.22 por persona por hora
9 personas... $4000/18/9 = $24.70 por persona por hora
8 personas... $4000/18/8 = $27.78 por persona por hora
7 personas... $4000/18/7 = $31.75 por persona por hora
6 personas... $4000/18/6 = $37.04 por persona por hora
5 personas... $4000/18/5 = $44.44 por persona por hora
4 personas... $4000/18/4 = $55.56 por persona por hora
3 personas... $4000/18/3 = $74.07 por persona por hora
2 personas... $4000/18/2 = $111.11 por persona por hora
1 persona... $4000/18/1 = $222.22 por persona por hora
Mejoras tu ingles en dos semanas...garantizada
Queretaro Queretaro Mexico

About Me

Maestra norteamericana (USA), certificada por Cambridge (CELTA), con 4 anos de experiencia (en USA y en Mexico) con todos niveles, todas edades. Clases buenissimas de ingles ofertas en tu domicilio o empressa de empleo (tu lugar de trabajo). Nota las horas por mes, el costo por mes, y los horarios disponibles. Despues, comunica a la maestra lo mas pronto posible con tu horario preferido, tu costo preferido ($4,000 o $5,500), el lugar preferido de las clases, y cualquier otras preguntas que tendrias. 44-23-22-36-25 Queretaro, Queretaro, Mexico. Gracias para tu interes en mejorar tu ingles.